Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

A few days ago, we had the news, and I’m sure you heard it, too, that Condoleezza Rice was actively pursuing the vice presidency with Senator McCain. He didn’t know anything about it. Elisabeth Bumiller in the New York Times says, “Is Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice campaigning to be John McCain’s running mate? If […]

On the Today Show, cohost Meredith Vieira talked to Obama, and she asked, “What’s the key question, Senator Obama, you want answered today? Number one question you’re going to ask General Petraeus.” OBAMA: Well, I think the most important issue is still the one that was asked in September, which is: How has this war […]

Hillary Clinton, announced that she wants a poverty czar. What does that mean? We need a poverty czar. It means that she and those like her are admitting defeat in the war on poverty, are they not? They are admitting the failure of the welfare state. They are admitting in their own programs haven’t worked, […]

hearings — Day 1 I watched Carl Levin give his speech, his opening statement, he’s talking to General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker, and he’s going on and on and on about how the Maliki government in Iraq has not met its benchmarks and has not found a way to pay its own way on anything, […]