Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

I’ve heard stories of people speculating in the housing market. You know, not everybody’s who’s got caught up in this mortgage crisis is poor, and not everybody was lent money that had no business being lent money. A lot of these people were speculators. They were buying houses and flipping them, never living in them, […]

The Republican Party, doesn’t want to work with Democrats to get anything done. Is that true? No, not quite. I’ll be happy to work with as many Democrats as possible, when they join us, not when we join them. I’ll give you a great example. This Al Gore initiative, $300 million initiative, global warming. Newt […]

Michael Crichton’s Jurassic Park; he has this little passage: “A hundred years ago, we didn’t have cars, airplanes, computers, or vaccines.” A hundred years. He’s right. We didn’t have those things, and I mention this because here we are in a so-called recession or on the verge of a so-called recession. We have the most […]