Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

I’ve been thinking about this Joe the Plumber business, and everybody is pointing out that it’s not what Joe the Plumber asked Obama, it’s what Obama answered. He wants to “spread the wealth around.” But it’s actually even worse than that. It’s now about how quickly team Obama was able to shut down Joe the […]

The best way to describe the Barack Obama financial plan is trickle-up poverty. Everybody who’s poor is going to stay that way; people who are in the middle class are going to get poorer and on up the ladder. It’s trickle-up poverty via Obama’s tax increases. Look, the Democrats have been trying to revise history […]

The Supreme Court on the 17th, sided with Democrats in this case involving Ohio’s Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner. As you know, there are 200,000 voter registrations that don’t match their DMV records and Social Security numbers and so forth. The secretary of state of Ohio, she was saying, “I don’t have time to implement […]