Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

A few quotes in Manchester, New Hampshire.MCCAIN: Last week, his campaign actually found itself on a detour into the real world in the driveway of Joe the Plumber. Joe didn’t ask for Senator Obama to come to his house, and he sure didn’t ask to be famous and he certainly didn’t ask for the political […]

In the world of economics, Milton Friedman is an icon. His contributions to understanding how free markets work earned him a Nobel Prize and a reputation as one of history’s most brilliant economists and teachers.Now the University of Chicago, Freidman’s academic home for 30 years, is embroiled in controversy over plans to honor Friedman by […]

Okay. Sean Penn, pay attention — or Danny Glover, or any of you other leftists insaniacs. This is Reuters. “Despite having some of the world’s largest energy reserves, Venezuela is increasingly struggling to maintain basic electrical service…” “Venezuela is increasingly struggling to maintain basic electrical service, a growing challenge for leftist president Hugo Chavez.” We […]