Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

Shortly after George W. Bush proposed his first stimulus rebate check program it was about March last year, or February, with the checks beginning to arrive in June. Remember this? And what was the amount of those checks? Was it $600? Six hundred dollars for a single and $1,200 for a couple, something like that, […]

So we find ourselves in a new “era of responsibility” as articulated by President Obama. President Obama says his administration is going to be the most transparent in our nation’s history. According to the Cybercast News Service and a lot of other people now, not one senator will have read the final stimulus spending bill […]

The more that comes out about this bill, the less it makes sense, even The Politico, which is one of these places totally in the tank for Obama, reports the projected local job creation numbers that the White House is using to lobby for the bill simply don’t add up. The Wall Street Journal, reports […]

Peter Schiff said: As the markets drop we are not seeing the problem, we’re seeing the solution. When the markets drop we know we got a problem. The markets dropping are the beginning of the solution. And of course President Obama and Congress are trying to prevent the solution and make the problem even worse. […]