Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!
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Sarkozy spoke spoke November the 7th. He addressed a joint meeting of the House and the Senate.

But I want you, when you read these things, forget that it’s a Frenchman, that’s marvelous and tremendous enough. In fact, don’t forget that.

Ask yourself, “Why, all of a sudden, in a world where we are told that we are hated and we have to rebuild our image, how come pro-American conservative leaders are being elected in all these democracies, like France, like Germany, and a number of other places?”

The Democrats can’t get anything right. They can’t tell you the truth about anything. So do keep in mind that it’s a Frenchman, but also I want, as you read the following, ask yourself how you would feel if an American presidential candidate of any party happened to be saying these things.

SARKOZY (via translator): To the millions of men and women who came from every country in the world and who, with their own hands, their intelligence, and their hearts, built the greatest nation in the world, America did not say, “Come, and everything will be given to you.” Rather, she said, “Come, and the only limits to what you will be able to achieve will be those of your own courage, your boldness, and your talent.”

… “The America that we love throughout the world embodies this extraordinary ability to grant each and every person a second chance, another chance — because, in America, failure is never the last word. There is always another chance. Here, in your country, on this soil, both the humblest and the most illustrious citizens alike know that nothing is owed to them and that everything has to be earned. That is what constitutes the moral value of America.

There were Democrats applauding this, but they would never say it, and not enough Republicans say it. Not enough citizens realize it anymore. I heard these and I was practically standing out of my chair here the first time I heard them.
SARKOZY: America liberated us, and this is an eternal debt we owe America.
Every time, whenever an American soldier falls somewhere in the world, I think of what the American army did for France. I think of them, and I am sad as one is saddened to lose a member of one’s family.

You will not hear… I do not like saying this, but this is the TRUTH.

You will not hear an elected Democrat speak this way of the US military today.

A Frenchman! By the way, he’s smart. He has every reason to think this and feel it. It just stuns me that there is so much understanding of the greatness of purpose and the reason this country is what it is outside our borders, than there is inside among our elected officials.

SARKOZY (via translator): We need France to be stronger. I am determined to carry through with the reforms that my country has put off for all too long. I will not turn back. I will implement all of them because France has turned back for all too long. I have come to present to you today a France that comes out to meet America, to renew the covenant of friendship and alliance that Washington and Lafayette sealed in Yorktown. Together let us be true to their memories. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I say this to you on behalf of the French people: “Long live the United States of America! Long live France! Long live French-American friendship!”

Now, how can this even be when the Democrats and the media are out talking about how we’re hated in the world, and we’ve lost our standing and we’ve lost our reputation?

When you read that, did you imagine how you’d feel if some American candidate, either party, were saying things like this about this country?

Why has it become so hard for America? You know why?

Because of pandering!

We’ve gotten to the point where, “People are hurting, people are suffering, and they need their leaders to understand that.” So, our leaders run around and talk about, “I understand you’re hurting, and I’m representing ‘change,’ and I’m going to make sure that your pain is going away, so vote for me,” blah, blah, blah.

So you end up pandering to people just to make them think that you care about them, when the key to unlocking misery is inside each and every one of us — and it’s the person in your life that can show you how to do that that becomes the best teacher you ever had.

That was one of the multitudinous things about Ronald Reagan that made him able to connect with people.


National Review Online: Denying Alliance; Democratic Candidates Love to Attack Bush’s Foreign Policy – Charles Krauthammer

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