Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

Reuters has run their annual news story about the hardship some Americans will face heating their homes this winter.

In this year’s installment, a 61-year-old Massachusetts woman laments how her winter will be spent huddled around her gas oven — with her husband and 88-year-old mother — because she cannot afford heating oil.

Now, only 7 percent of households in America rely on heating oil, but in the Northeast over 30 percent of homes are oil dependent, so they will bear the brunt of the pain. Their heating costs are expected to run close to $2,000 this year, on average. According to Reuters, for many Northeasterners it will be a “heat-or-eat” decision. Well, isn’t everything for people these days?

At least in the media.

Let’s say, for argument’s sake, that every bit of this is accurate: These folks will experience a horrible winter, especially since — despite the global warming hype — the forecast is for a colder-than-usual season.

Since the inception of the New Deal, we have spent trillions on food programs, home heating programs, health-care programs, Social Security — all government sponsored. And on top of federal programs, there are redundant state programs to make sure no American suffers.

And yet, like clockwork, when winter draws near, we get horror stories: “We’re all… We’re all gonna freeeeeze to death!”

The Northeast is the bedrock of liberal electoral success!

Yet, despite 80 years of costly government intervention, their own voters suffer. When will you cold, hungry liberals finally admit: The liberalism you voted for has failed you miserably — and that’s why you’re going to freeze?

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