Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

A few quotes in Manchester, New Hampshire.MCCAIN: Last week, his campaign actually found itself on a detour into the real world in the driveway of Joe the Plumber. Joe didn’t ask for Senator Obama to come to his house, and he sure didn’t ask to be famous and he certainly didn’t ask for the political […]

I’ve been thinking about this Joe the Plumber business, and everybody is pointing out that it’s not what Joe the Plumber asked Obama, it’s what Obama answered. He wants to “spread the wealth around.” But it’s actually even worse than that. It’s now about how quickly team Obama was able to shut down Joe the […]

The best way to describe the Barack Obama financial plan is trickle-up poverty. Everybody who’s poor is going to stay that way; people who are in the middle class are going to get poorer and on up the ladder. It’s trickle-up poverty via Obama’s tax increases. Look, the Democrats have been trying to revise history […]

According to a Media poll from AP and the GFK Group, a German marketing firm, eight in ten Americans are afraid the financial crisis will affect them. Right in time for the elections — why, what a surprise! The majority of those surveyed blame banks for issuing risky mortgages and the federal government for not […]

Last week, John McCain attacked the Bush Administration for wasteful spending, while Obama blamed Bush and Wall Street for economic conditions overall. Both these candidates promised vast improvement if elected. McCain’s version included giving himself some wiggle room on his commitment not to raise taxes. Obama, hopeless as ever, merely offered to change course with […]