Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

Rarely do state judicial elections generate national publicity, but that’s what happened in Wisconsin. The county judge, Michael Gableman, garnered 51 percent of the vote to defeat Justice Louis Butler. First time an incumbent was tossed off the court in 41 years, folks! A New York University lawyer, James Sample, calls the race one of […]

In the Wall Street Journal there was an editorial, “Solving the Hillary Problem,” and there’s a quote in this editorial that says: “Democrats should let Mrs. Clinton be Senate majority leader.” Isn’t it amazing? They are so eager to get her out of there; they will let her be the Senate majority leader! That’s something […]

The founding documents — the acknowledgment that our Creator endowed us with inalienable rights, life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. “Life“. Liberals are against that. We can’t count on liberals to ensure life. Abortion, euthanasia. “Liberty” Nope. Liberals are not for liberty. They want to change whatever lightbulb you use. They want to force you to […]

Clinton said there was sniper fire and that she had to run. That means she should have heard it, she should have seen people running for cover. She lied! I was told, “When you are being shot at… that is an experience, you NEVER forget.” And, this is something I believe (this is not an […]

Rising political star Kwame Kilpatrick, the mayor of Detroit, faces 15 years — sex charges, perjury charges, ruining people’s lives. I’ll be damned if I can find out what party he belongs to. I mean, I happen to know he’s a Democrat, but the Media don’t think it’s necessary to point that out in all […]