Frustrated Incorporated
I just want something simple, like the TRUTH!

You know, there are times when we must measure progress in small, incremental steps; for example, two communist states making progress — albeit small — granting their people incremental doses of freedom. 1. The rulers in the communist paradise of Cuba issued microwave ovens to 3,000 households as part of a pilot program. The appliances […]

Clinton said there was sniper fire and that she had to run. That means she should have heard it, she should have seen people running for cover. She lied! I was told, “When you are being shot at… that is an experience, you NEVER forget.” And, this is something I believe (this is not an […]

The Democrat Party used their Easter weekend radio address to launch yet another attack on the president and our military. New Jersey Democrat Bob Menendez — ignoring the undeniable progress in Iraq — painted the country awash in corruption and violence (he ought to know; he’s from New Jersey). He described our brave, successful military […]

AP story, datelined out of Mexico City. Headline : “From Rice in Peru to Miso in Japan, Food Prices are Skyrocketing.” It all comes back to oil and biofuels. Oil is the fuel of the engine of freedom and democracy, and there are people attempting to change that, to put biofuels in the mix. Then, […]

Rising political star Kwame Kilpatrick, the mayor of Detroit, faces 15 years — sex charges, perjury charges, ruining people’s lives. I’ll be damned if I can find out what party he belongs to. I mean, I happen to know he’s a Democrat, but the Media don’t think it’s necessary to point that out in all […]